Monday, 23 September 2013

Battle for Meaning-on-the-Bog

Here's another IHMN battle: the Brothers of St. Vitus fighting it out with some armoured marines.

We decided to do the Bad Jack scenario and stuck him on the top floor of the clock tower in the middle of the table. That was largely irrelevant though, as no one felt they had the spare fire power to take Jack on, he stayed in the tower on his own, undisturbed, while we effectively played a Last Man Standing scenario.

The Brothers arrived by boat and the marines didn't.

The Brothers legged it to the bridge in the centre of Meaning-on-the-Bog while the marines split up, half the force trying to outflank the devout of St. Vitus.

The main force of marines got to the far side of the bridge where they were taunted ruthlessly by one of the initiates.

Prior Flavius went round the other way, on one of his largely pointless solo missions.

Prior Flavius gets to the bridge too late to stop the marines crossing it.

The marines made it across the bridge where they engaged the nuns.

The initiates tried to force the marines back through the archway, but were whittled down by the marines.

The captain and his marines engaged the nuns, where their superior hand to hand fighting skills and heavy armour should give them the edge.

One initiate finally made it through the archway, and immediately wished he hadn't.

With the last roll of the dice, the Brothers flukily manage to kill the marine captain, but that isn't enough to stop the marines winning a resounding victory.

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