Showing posts with label Airspeed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Airspeed. Show all posts

Friday, 24 November 2017

Airspeed Rules

I have uploaded my draft of Airspeed onto the internet, and you can get it from here.

I'd welcome your comments if you read it, or even actually play the thing.


Thursday, 23 November 2017

Airspeed AAR

Here's a run through of my jet bike game which I've called Airspeed. This is the set up for the course, just made out of random wargamey stuff. You could probably do a course with almost any style of wargames table.

I designed the bikes using the customised bike rules (instead of using the standard bike). We haven't played with customised bikes much, and I've completely changed the hit point rules, so this game was more of a test for that, really. For the record, these bikes were 55 build points.





We decided to do a two lap race. The simplest way to determine start order is just to roll off.

Green managed to roll a 2 (2d6) for his start nitro boost so got overtaken before the first corner. The game is pretty simple. You just say what you want to do and work out how difficult it will be. Then you roll 8d6 and try to roll the difficulty or higher.

Eg, if you're going at speed 20, and you wish to do a 30 degree turn (difficulty 4) you will need to roll 24 (speed plus difficulty). If you fail your bike will drift and you will lose momentum.

Going into the first bend, Blue has 17 speed and is trying to do a 60 degree turn (diff 8) so needs 25. He only rolls 21, so should drift out 4 inches before he turns, and lose 4 speed. However, Blue decides to use up skill to reroll the 1s. He only has 5 rerolls (skill) for the entire lap, so burning 3 on the first corner is a bit extravagant, but he wants to keep his momentum up for the coming straight.

On yellow's second phase (there are two phases to a turn, basically turn move turn move) he wants to hop over the pile of trash. This adds 4 difficulty to the manoeuvre. Speed 18, turn 6, hop 4, he needs a 28, which he manages easily.

So, everyone's nicely bunched up going round the first bend.

After hammering down the straight, everyone spreads out. Basically, the  faster you go, the wider the line you need to take.

Going round the next bend, Green, who was going slowest manages to keep the lead by taking the tightest line.

Red has a bit of a problem. He fails his manoeuvre roll. He wants to cut inside the red container, which will set him up nicely for the home straight. He tries a difficulty 10 turn, and even after skill rerolls, still fails by 2. So, he must drift 2 inches before making the turn. Unfortunately, this means he turns straight into the container, and as this is a direct collision, he explodes into a ball of flames.

Green messes up his turn, too, and ends up hitting the wall along the side of the home straight. Because this is a glancing collision (more acute than 45 degrees) he merely scrapes along the wall, losing hit points and speed but staying in the race. This allows Blue and Yellow to overtake.

Yellow was carrying more momentum into the home straight and so manages to overtake Blue. Momentum is everything.

But, Yellow has to go wider into the turn, while Green going much slower manages to take a much tighter line. Momentum isn't everything.

Blue gets in a mess on this turn, having already used all his skill for the second lap, and drifts out an inch. So he ends up scraping down the fence losing momentum and taking damage.

Coming into the final turn Green has a decent lead, but is still travelling a bit slower.

Blue coming into the final bend is pushing it a bit trying to catch Green. He drifts a couple of inches, but that is not quite enough to end his race the same way Red's ended.

Green manages to end the race ahead of Blue, and should win...

... but Yellow has a lot of momentum and works out he can still win the race if he goes at a speed of 30 for the final move. Unfortunately he also has to make a diff 8 turn, and he has no skill dice left. In the spirit of win or bust he tries the manoeuvre but drifts out 11 inches, and smashes into a building, ending his race in a ball of flames. 

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Post Apoc Fortress 2

I've finished my current bits of fortress, but I'm planning on making a few other bits, and probably expanding it into a full post-apoc/vaguely-futuristic town. I've also finished all my jet bikes now, and finished my jet bike racing game to go with them. I'm actually very pleased with it, and should be making a pdf of it, soon. I will be running it at the Reveille convention in Bristol on Sunday.

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Post Apoc Fortress WIP

Finished a couple more jet bikes. And, having done a sort of post-apoc jet bike shop, and painted a few post-apoc minis recently, I felt the urge to make a post-apoc town. So far have just done mad max style fortress walls, etc. But they should be a decent basis for adding some more dedicated buildings for a post-apoc town.

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Ramshackle Jet Bikes 4

Finished the first bit of scenery for my vaguely post-apoc jet bike table. I feel like these bikes are more near-future and dirty than far-future and clean, although I've never had much desire to build a load of post-apoc stuff.