Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Flames of War Buildings

Here are a few bits of terrain I made to go with some of my FoW buildings. I made a courtyard for the factory with a bit of a scrap yard, a garden for a house, and a courtyard for my unfinished mairie. I stuck all my farm buildings together and managed to find a tractor that looks about the right scale.


  1. Nice. I recognize the top factory building as Total Battle. Where are the others from?

  2. Thanks. Yeah, I just been painting all the buildings you've been painting, too. The ones you don't recognise all come from Loic, in France.


    You should be able to find his email at the bottom of some of those pages.

    As much as I am entirely pleased with my Total Battle buildings, Loic's stuff is, for me, even better quality, and easier to work with.
