Monday, 7 March 2016
Victorian Terraces 10: Nitespot
Finished my nightclub. Probably needs a bit more squalor to be a proper club. Maybe I should pour some urine down the side-alley bits and add some puke.
Saturday, 5 March 2016
Living on the Frontline: Infantry
Received the first five establishment-style infantry for Living on the Frontline, from Mike Bravo Miniatures. Nice models and easy to paint. I enjoyed doing the camo. Although I didn't really nail it, I felt I was getting closer as I went along.
I have some paramilitaries to do from Mike Bravo, and they should be bringing out a bunch more figures to fit the Winter of '79 theme:
Thursday, 3 March 2016
Victorian Terraces 9: Ming Inn
Finished painting my first corner building, a Chinese restaurant. It looks a bit smarter than I thought it would, maybe the area is up-and-coming.